Writerly Inspiration

Story Prompt: Winter, Window Wonderland.

Okay, it’s time for another Writerly Inspiration exercise…

Read the paragraph below and, using it as a jumping-off point, build a short story based upon its setup. This is a great way to initiate writing—without fear, without overthinking it. Just write, for fun, for stimulation, for whatever.

Note, the paragraph can be placed anywhere within the narrative—use your imagination. Consider: Where is she? Who is she? Why is she scared? Where does she have to go? And why?

The snow fell from the sky in heavy, sloppy plops. Her nose pressed up against the chilled windowpane, her balled-up fist swiping in a circular motion, she cleared away the condensation. Hot breath, cold glass. Fog. Hot breath, cold glass… With a deliberation born out of necessity, she checked an impulse to cry. The ground was no longer discernible, just a puffy white expanse, accumulating five—maybe six—inches in depth. The sun was hidden behind grey cloud cover. If this kept up—she gulped. It would ruin everything.

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