Writerly Inspiration

I call this one, “The Faux Re-remember.”


Need a jumping-off point to get your writing off the ground? We’ve all been there. Which is why I’ve compiled (and will continue to compile) fun exercises or games to play for just that purpose….

The ‘Faux Re-remember’

This one is a bit silly. So have fun with it. It’s also about changing perception. A whole new world of possibilities arise when you do.

It goes a little like this….

  1. Go through the family photo album and nab up a picture or two from within; ideally, you should be included in the snapshot and, if possible, it should be of a candid nature; however, this can be modified to include any photograph—whether it’s of family, friends, or relative strangers…etc.
  • Look at the photo and come up with a plausible recount of what was happening when it was being documented. Who are the people captured within its glossy film, and why do you want us to know about them, about this particular moment in time? Of course, don’t simply repeat the story of what really happened; rather, make up an alternate narrative (an alternate universe). Pretend.
  • Let your imagination take you aware from reality, and instead reinvent it!
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