• Chapter 10,  North of Happenstance

    North of Happenstance: Chapter Ten

    Dearest Nanny Moore,   I must apologize for the tardiness of this letter. I know I promised to write weekly, it was, after all, the deal to secure your continued silence as to my whereabouts. I hope you haven’t been worried. It’s surprising how busy life has become in what I’d estimated would be a sleepy little town. This is perhaps because Whestleigh offers a sort of lifestyle I was never prior allowed to partake in. Regardless, I will endeavor to make up for last week’s absence with a longer letter.             I wish you could come visit me. Maybe someday. Not until I’ve had time to fully furnish my…

  • Chapter 20,  North of Happenstance

    North of Happenstance: Chapter Twenty

    Kate closed her eyes as the memories washed across her consciousness. The utility closet Penny lovingly referred to as her shop, was shrouded in shadows, with only the lamp sitting atop her filing cabinet casting light upon the room. Seated around psychic’s worktable, leaning heavily against the ladder-backing of the proffered chair, Kate tried to breathe normally. The smell of freshly brewed coffee made her nose twitch. It was almost midnight but Penny had assured Kate that coffee wasn’t just for early morning…and hell, it was almost early morning anyway. Really early morning. “Phil and I met our junior year in college,” Kate whispered, the words harsh, uncomfortable as they…