Chapter 36

  • Chapter 36,  North of Happenstance

    North of Happenstance: Chapter Thirty-Six

    “M.T. called you too, huh?” Penny asked. Nodding, Kate pulled out the chair opposite Penny, setting her steaming latte down on the table as she did so. Slinging her purse on the back of the chair, she sat down, her eyes skipping across the coffee shop. Bean Tamptations was doing typical Saturday morning business—tired, harassed mothers buzzed through the line, towing impatient, bored kids behind them; college students sat huddled over computers, textbooks spread out before them… A rich aroma of freshly ground coffee invaded the cozy space. “She sent me a text to meet her here,” Kate volunteered. “Yeah. Me too.” “It sounded urgent.” Penny rolled her eyes, taking…